Child Labour

Company Policy:

The Company’s Policy is that it will not employ any person below the age of 18 years in any of its departments. No Contract labor under the age of 18 years will be allowed to be provided by any of its Contractors.

Procedure will therefore be followed to ensure that no one under the age of 18 years is employed for any job in the company. This applies to all the Departments of the Company.

The organization has established, documented, maintained a system not to employee worker below 18 years of age, and effectively communicated to personnel and other interested parties relevant policies and for remediation of children found to be working in situations which fit the definition of child labour, and provides adequate support to enable such children to attend and remain in school until no longer a child.

JAMALY ENTERPRISES establishes, documents, maintains, and effectively communicates to personnel and other interested parties policies and procedures for promotion of education for children and young workers who are subject to local compulsory education laws or are attending school, including means to ensure that no such child or young worker is employed during school hours and that combined hours of daily transportation (to and from work and school), school, and work time does not exceed 10 hours a day.

In  order  to  discourage  the  support  of  the  use  of  child  labour,  Company  has  established  documented  and  maintained  a  qualification  criteria  mention  on  the  “Interview/Bio-data Form”.  In this criteria  the  minimum  age  for  training  of  each  job  title  is  defined;  it  states  the  age  limits,  sex,  minimum  qualification  required,  and  any  experience,  etc.  each  such  criteria  is  reviewed  by  MR and  approved  by  Prop.  Top management strongly emphasizes that these criteria be followed in any sort of hiring.

At  Company,  the  minimum  age  limit  for  any  position  is  set  as  18  years  for  either  sex,  as  defined  in  the  Local  Labour  law.  Departmental Heads and Contractors are responsible to  ensure  that  no  employment  is  offered  to  any  person  below  18  years  of  age  for  any  job  requirement  at  any  place  in  the  Organization.  It is the part of the hiring procedure to verify age of the applicant through identity papers, which may include the evidences of the following;

  • Computerized National Identity  Card  (C.N.I.C)
  • Birth Certificate
  • Verified Certificate of Certifying Surgeon. (age  certificate)
  • Any authenticated proof of the age from national or internationally recognized authority.

All  workers  are  given  an  company ID  Card  which  identifies  the  person.  This ID card bears all necessary information.  MR maintains all necessary data of Company employees.  Employees are made aware of all the related policies, procedures etc.  pertinent  to  the  job,  company’s  policy  is  also  displayed  at  various  locations  through  posters,  display  board,  etc,  in  order  to  communicate  it  at  all  levels.

Redemption of Children:
In case,  if  any  child  is  found  to  be  working  in  any  situations  which  fit  the  definition  of  child  labour,  then  the  following  steps  are  taken.

  • Necessary facilities  are  made  available  in  order  to  meet  the  appropriate  educational    This,  primarily,  includes  the  uniform ,  books  and  tuition  related  expanses / cost.
  • Stipend to be paid to meet the essential lost income.
  • Job opportunity may be provided to the parents and/or guardians or close members of the family group as an alternative.